“I had the privilege of working one-on-one with Jennifer Blankl for about three months. And the results were surprising. My wife and I have been married for 33 years. We've always had… well not always had… a great relationship over those years and we're going through a transition. Our kids have moved out, so WE’RE EMPTY NESTERS, and we both wanted to improve our marriage.
The skillset that Jennifer shared, and the tools she taught me were not only applicable to my SELF and my wife… I was also able to use those with my team and my extended family. A huge win for me.
So, if you're leading a TEAM, or your FAMILY, and want to understand why and how people behave the way they do, I can't think of anybody better to work with than Jennifer Blankl. She was caring and pushed me. I would love to work with Jennifer again."
Doug Morneau
Vancouver, British Columbia
“My marriage was over... but you pulled me back from the edge.
I highly recommend you...you were the right person... my Hail Mary Pass!
It was worth everything 10 times over!"
Portland, OR
“Jennifer is, without question, one of the best I've encountered"
"Jennifer Blankl is phenomenal! I had the opportunity to work with her and learned a tremendous amount about what I need in a relationship as well as what my partner needs and I couldn't recommend her enough. I've talked with various professional relationship coaches and counselors over the years on multiple levels and Jennifer is, without question, one of the best I've encountered and she is awesome and fun to work with!"
Keith Sconiers
Portland, OR
“Jennifer has been tremendous...”
“Jennifer has been tremendous in helping my partner and I not only repair the small rifts that any relationship endures but she has taught us to talk more openly and love more fully. When we first met Jennifer I wasn’t sure that we needed any help with our relationship, but after meeting with her for a short time we took the leap and haven’t looked back since. This is the best investment we’ve ever made in our love and is worth more connection and happiness than a thousand weekend getaways could ever provide.”
Toku McCree
Executive Coach, Salt Lake City
“When I met Jennifer, my relationship with my SECOND WIFE was trending towards DISASTER. We had run through a gauntlet of counseling professionals and trained therapists. "
After all of them, we finally gave up and actually set a date to file for our divorce. A friend who had worked with Jennifer urged us to reach out for one last shot at our marriage. We decided to try one more time, and we're so glad we did. Like a great coach, Jennifer helped us to open our eyes and hearts to the tools that we now have and how to use them appropriately. Jennifer didn't reinvent the wheel or give us off-the-wall exercises. Instead, it was the little but big things. Getting back to the very basics, and mastering it. After a few weeks, we had established new connection habits and we were communicating in ways we couldn't before. And we flourished from it. We worked, and Jennifer would reach out between sessions to see how we were doing. She genuinely cared for us, and she kept us honest as she held us accountable to our own progress while reminding us to not give up. At this point we were so strong in our relationship that the pandemic was not an issue. We laughed and joked for the first time in years and our love grew. We did the little things and Jennifer was there for us every step of the way. I can't thank Jennifer enough for all the success my wife and I have achieved through her coaching and I highly recommend her! "
Danny H.
Portland, OR
“Enjoying the Changes!”
“We are really enjoying the changes to our marriage that have come from working with you, Jennifer!!!“
Ted Backus
Emerald Aircrafters
“Working with Jennifer for 3 months was extremely valuable for me and my wife...
The tools that she taught us were very informative, insightful, and extremely valuable for us and our marriage! What helped me the most was Jennifer’s gentle prodding to dig deeper. My wife and I connect more often now and we make more effort to communicate more openly with each other. Thanks to Jennifer for helping us get out of auto-pilot mode! Understanding our human needs better… and that the other person has needs too was a big breakthrough for us. Much of this I took for granted before working with Jennifer!”
Tony & Lisa
Lake Oswego, OR
“Jen provided an EXTREMELY INSIGHTFUL PROGRAM that exposed me to subtle issues impacted me (and my relationships!) for my entire life...
Jen offered non-judgmental observations along with key exercises that immediately contributed to positive changes in my personal and professional life. I now engage with the world a little bit differently and have a greater sense of connection and fulfillment in both my platonic and romantic relationships!”
Josh Sabraw
Portland, OR
“I am proud of the man I am becoming. Signing up with you is one of the best decisions I've made."
Portland, OR
“Jennifer gifted me so much more than I ever expected."
"A rogue wave that never flattens. Time standing still. Buckling to a fetal position in a hallway. I’ve been there. We all have. I came to Jennifer to see me through the gray canopy when a very meaningful long term relationship suddenly ended. Jennifer gifted me so much more than I ever expected. Her acceptance, guidance and tailored nudging has helped me evolve into an emotionally intelligent, communicative, vulnerable and more solid self. By far, the number one comment I get these days is how grounded I am. I will carry with me what I have learned from Jennifer for a lifetime.”
Portland, OR
"Jennifer Blankl is truly a one of a kind Coach."
She is dedicated to your development and improvement as a individual/parter/team. My wife and I had the pleasure of hiring Jennifer early last year as we approached our wedding day. I highly encourage you to speak with Jennifer if you desire to become the best husband/wife/team you can image. Jennifer has a unique approach that is tailored to your communication style, goals and experience in life.”
Addison Nett
Portland, OR
“ I highly recommend Jen to BUSY PROFESSIONALS & PARENTS...
she understands all of the challenges that come with this stage of life and will help by offering proven strategies to take your relationship to a higher level. Because of our work with Jen, we have a great personalized toolset that can stand the test of time. New positive rituals and insights gained through discovering our Love Languages and validation of our feelings through her coaching were all key to getting us back on track."
Portland, OR
“Don’t miss the opportunity to work with Jennifer so you can bring new life and a fresh perspective to your relationship." Jennifer provides a safe, non-judgmental container to look at stale patterns, and more importantly, gives tools and exercises to enliven and enhance enjoyment, fun, and intimacy. Her focus is on creating the best in your relationship, not rehashing the negative patterns. I highly recommend her!”
Dr. Cricket Wingfield
Portland, OR
“Jennifer is a pleasure to work with both personally and professionally..." ...She has a tremendous amount of skill in her craft, and she gives you the tools to help you transform your personal or work life in the way you desire. If you choose to work with her you won't be disappointed. Her services are worth the investment!”
Eva Lane
Eugene, OR
“Jennifer is the absolute BEST!"
I’ve been working with Jennifer for over a year now & I just LOVE her! I love how non-judgmental she is, how encouraging she is, how she never seems to be “taking sides”, how she let’s me work my stuff out at my own pace while pushing me forward, how she engages with me throughout the week between our sessions, how I know that she really cares about me. I can’t say enough good things about Jennifer – both my husband & I really love working with her!”
Wendy P.
Portland, OR
“Thank you Jennifer!”
“You are a Master Relationship Coach! I have learned some easy and effective ways to improve my communication. I am much better about having conversations that would have been difficult before. Even my daughter said I was communicating better. I have seen such positive results by just doing a few simple things. Life is better.”
Conde Bartlett
Cocoon Wellness Center, Portland, OR
“While I hired Jennifer to help me save my marriage, she actually saved ME." “Before I started working with Jennifer, I was in a state of emotional turmoil. My 20-year marriage was in flux. My husband and I had separated, after having gone through months and months of tedious and unproductive marriage counseling, and against the odds we had reconciled and started over on course to begin again and keep our family together. Yet six months after reconciling and moving to a new town, we again separated. I was distraught, broken-hearted, and at a loss at what to do next. I still wanted to save my marriage, both for myself and my son. I was relieved to have Jennifer to guide me, to challenge me, and to work with on tactics and strategies to move forward. As an athlete, working with a coach seemed the most natural thing, and I was grateful to have someone in my corner. Throughout the time I worked with Jennifer, I did make progress with my husband and we went through a brief period of reconciliation. While I hired Jennifer to help me save my marriage, she actually saved ME. In the end, my husband and I divorced amicably, we have remained friends, and we co-parent better than most married couples I know. Jennifer empowered me to be able to handle my divorce and prepared me for the next phase of my life and future relationships. As a business woman, I have always had a masculine energy. Jennifer helped me nourish my inner goddess and bring forth my feminine energy, which has helped me in ALL areas of my life…as a woman, a lover, a friend, and a mother. I had worked with multiple therapists, psychologists, and marriage counselors for the three years prior to finding Jennifer. These other resources often left me feeling hopeless, exhausted, and defeated. Coaching, on the other hand, empowered me with strategies to help me accomplish my goals - personally, interpersonally, and professionally. Jennifer was in my corner, giving me “assignments” with worksheets, readings, and other resources to support our work together. She prepared me for life after divorce, with dating, and with spending time alone…and liking it. Jennifer is an amazing coach. She is professional, supportive, empathetic, encouraging, and intuitive. She challenged me and prepared me for whatever life has in store for me.
Thank you Jennifer!”
Krista K.
Marketing Director
“I trust her and would definitely love to work with her again."
“It was through Jennifer’s guidance that I was able to change the story I was telling myself to reach a breakthrough in my personal life. Through her knowledge and, more importantly, her kind and open demeanor she encouraged me to do the work and was able to offer additional recommendations for readings and teachings for me to do in addition to the work we were doing together. I trust her and would definitely love to work with her again!”
Jill Michelle Williams
Television Producer/ Work In Progress, New York City
“Jennifer Blankl’s WORKSHOPS present…
valuable, thought provoking, information to help you get out of your rut and into your heart! The tools and challenges she presents empower you to try positive strategies in your relationships that will allow you to show up, not just as your best you, but better. You will be armed with new intention that allows you to connect with others in a more heart-centered way. I’m impressed with the honesty and vulnerability that comes out in Jennifer’s workshops. She is fun, supportive, honest, and nonjudgmental. I feel so fortunate to be receiving this crucial, perhaps family saving, information right now and look forward to feeling more and more fulfillment in my relationships! Thank you Jennifer!”
Abby S.
Portland, OR
“Jen is AMAZING!"
"She is a Godsend! She has taught me so much. She immediately helped me realize I’m not alone, and that there are a lot of women going through and feeling the same way as I am. I have seen a lot of counselors in my time, but she is by far one of the most knowledgeable professionals I know in marriage and relationships. I highly recommend her if your marriage or key relationships are struggling! Thank you so much Jen! ❤ "
Kelly B
Portland, OR
“Working with Jennifer has really helped my relationship”
“Working with Jennifer has really helped my relationship of 25 years with my husband get back on track. We are both busy entrepreneurs, take parenting seriously and had fallen into some habits that were not good for our relationship. It wasn’t bad necessarily, just boring and lacking spark. My husband was so reluctant to “go to counseling” or work with someone that it took almost one year to convince him to try. After our free consultation with Jennifer he was the one who pulled out the card and signed us up for two months and suggested we continue for an additional month. He sees how much better things have gotten and we are communicating so much better. We both see the value in checking in with Jennifer on a bi-annual or yearly basis to keep on track and not wait so long to find some new tools to help us. Thank you Jennifer for truly reigniting my marriage. Xoxoxo”
Elizabeth Cramer
Everyday Best Style, Portland, OR
"Thank you Jennifer!!"
“I wanted to let you know how much I sincerely appreciate the time you spent with me the other day. I was not sure what to expect, or in fact, what an old dog like me could learn from personal coaching. I am thankful that I was wrong. You far exceeded my expectations! As I reflected on the insights you provided me, I realized that not only would communication skills help me in my most important relationship- with my husband, improving my communication skills would also enhance other areas in my life. I was pleasantly surprised at how realistic yet transforming the suggestions you provided were. Now I have to take your challenges and apply them, which I am eager to follow up with you and share the progress with you. Thank you again for sharing your sincere interest, your professionalism and personal insight that I believe will improve my ability to improve my communication skills and will make positive differences in many areas of my life. I am looking forward to our next session!”
Tracy Hansen
Owner, TLH Medical Sales, LLC, Portland, OR
“Jennifer provided me with insight "
“Jennifer provided me with insight into how I could follow through on actions, or lack of actions in my life, that were holding me back. Within 30 minutes I was able to realize my full potential and utilize tools I have to better my life for myself and for others around me. Thank you Jennifer, you’re awesome!”
Sara Fitzpatrick
Portland, OR
“Thank you for giving me these wonderful tools”
“Thank you for giving me these wonderful tools to become a better person – a more authentic me. It has been a wonderful start to self-discovery. You have shown me that I do have the strength to become better and embrace all the wonderfulness that is ME. The saying “it’s on them” has really become a reality. I now truly understand how true that statement is and how to apply it. I now know that I have the choice to let others affect me in either a positive or negative way, all thanks to you Jennifer! You are a wonderful woman and I am SO happy to work with you. Thank you again.”
Carrie Hale
Portland, OR
“Thank you to the moon and back!”
“Jennifer, thank you for all that you do! Thank you for bringing me back to the woman I know I am and have always been. Thank you so much for helping me learn better ways to communicate with everyone around me as well as the tools to get through those more difficult, uncomfortable conversations. I want you to know that I now have peace in my mind and heart and I am happy. I feel me again. I cannot say thank you enough. I am so glad I got to share my world with you.”
Jennifer P
Vancouver, WA
“Working with Jennifer was transformative!”
“Working with Jennifer was transformative for my partner and I. She listened very attentively and non-judgementally as we discussed our hopes and concerns and suggested exercises for us. I found that these really helped me connect with (and better communicate) my core needs in my romantic relationship– and those with friends and colleagues! The highlight of working with Jennifer was learning strategies that I employ daily to bring peace and balance to my interactions with others.”
Emily Corso
Owner, Bold & Badass Fitness, Portland, OR
“After attending a workshop hosted by Jennifer Blankl, I executed one small intentional change at home that Jennifer taught us. I made my husband my #1 priority. By this I mean, when he was telling me a story and our son would interrupt, instead of talking with my son and getting back to my husband, I would make my son wait with a clear, “Daddy’s talking, please wait”. While it didn’t always work and the change seemed inconsequential to me, after a few days my husband said “Why are you being so nice to me, it’s making me nervous”. All at no ‘cost’ to me, I made my husband feel important with the bonus of my son hopefully learning some manners and patience. 100% change for the good! Thank you Jennifer for sharing such valuable information and strategies with all of us!”
Lake Oswego Moms Club Member
“Jennifer Blankl is a phenomenal Life Coach. She listens with a rare understanding that reveals compassion, passion, and mirth. I never felt judged, labeled, or as if something was wrong with me, but rather uplifted and armed with practical tools to proceed through the next stage in my life with confidence, intention and direction. With her work, Jennifer has gifted me with stronger self-awareness in order to better determine and achieve my life goals. I can’t thank you enough, Jennifer, and I trust that others will benefit from your grace, timeliness and guidance in order to live their dreams.”
Lisa Grimm
French Teacher, Academic Life Coach & French Immersion Guide, Portland, OR
“I’ll tell you! Jennifer Brandt Blankl is the BEST! Kurt & I spent an hour thinking of how to diffuse a situation with a family member & in 15 minutes flat she helps us figure out how to solve the problem! What would we do without her? Love you girl!”
Wendy Place
Holistic Health Coach, Portland, OR
“Your workshop was EXACTLY what I needed!”
“It was such a pleasure meeting you and your workshop was EXACTLY what I needed to get a glimmer of hope.”
Terry Z
Portland, OR
“What started out as a work reason as to why I hired Jennifer, become a journey of self-discovery!"
I was going through a lot of drama in my professional life and at my wit’s end! It was after a brutally honest conversation with some coworkers that I had an epiphany – “I need to work on ME. I knew I really didn’t need to see a psychologist, but I did need help in changing how I respond. Unsure of how a "life coach" can help, I decided to give it a try after a friend gave me Jennifer Blankl’s number. Jennifer offered a free session to find out if I would be a good fit for coaching. Surprisingly in the first session, I learned a lot about myself. With each session, I grew to understand and master the control I DO have over how I react, along with the tools to see how my reactions can either fuel or extinguish a negative situation. By learning to focus more on what I can control, my responses and actions, I can create a “happy” environment within myself. Over the course of my sessions with Jennifer, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I had a coworker say, “You seem happier!” I could see what she meant. I wasn’t so worried about what others were or were not doing and learned that I do not need to be responsible for their actions. So in turn I can let my happy-go-lucky side come out more! What started out as a work reason as to why I hired Jennifer, become a journey of self-discovery! I’ve said “I’m a work in progress” so every little step to knowing who I am is a step in the right direction. I still have some setbacks but when I see and feel the tension creep in, I apply the tools that Jennifer gave me. Behold… it works! A journey to self-discovery is a lot easier when you have help and you’re not alone. With the time I have spent with Jennifer, I understand my worth and what I want out of life."
Carrie Hale
Portland, OR
“Terrific presentation yesterday Jennifer Brandt Blankl! Perfectly timed too! The explanation you shared on The Six Human Needs really helped me navigate through a delicate situation this evening with my youngest. Thank you for helping me keep the peace at home!”
Erica Patteson
Portland, OR
“Jen Blankl really knows her stuff and is a soulful yet direct coach.”
Kym Cumbo
Portland, OR
“Speaking openly and honestly about struggles in marriage can be difficult, especially amongst a group of young mothers that might not know one another very well…that is why when Jennifer Blankl came to our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group to facilitate a discussion about marriage and relationships, I was so blown away with how comfortable everyone in the group was with getting vulnerable with one another around this topic. Jennifer set the stage for our discussion beautifully with her own raw experiences and deep knowledge and understanding of the nature of human relationships. From there, the discussion flowed naturally and felt intimate, even though there were four full tables of women. I know that all of us walked away from that short session with tools we could immediately implement in our own marriages and even in other relationships with loved ones. We would have Jennifer back to our group in a heartbeat and would highly recommend other groups to consider her as a facilitator or speaker.”
Emily Guerrero
MOPS Group, West Linn
“Jennifer was incredible responsive and thoughtful to our training request. She listened to the needs of our organization, make recommendations, and presented content that was relevant to our group. She created a training environment that was open to question and allowed individuals to think about themselves in the content. It was a pleasure working with Jennifer!”
Becks Alimena
Chair Member, Junior League of Portland
“Thank you so much for the fantastic luncheon topic “The Gift in Conflict” at March’s Tualatin Chamber’s WIN (Women In Networking) event. We all learned so much and enjoyed listening to your presentation. We so appreciate the time and effort you put into your presentation! Thank you for your contribution to WIN!”
The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce WIN Steering Committee
Wendy, Courtney, Erica, Rebecca & Fernanda
“Thank you very much for speaking to our Rotary Club. We appreciate your sharing your time and thoughts with us. Thank you, again.”
Kruse Way Rotary Club
Lake Oswego, OR
“Jen and I would like to thank you for all you’ve done these last 9 months working with Reside! It was a valuable experience for all of us. Through this process with you, we’ve identified areas that needed addressing as well as new ideas for future growth and improvement. You have given us the skills to become better leaders which in turn will help us deliver better care to the individuals we support. You have effectively inspired us all to continue to better ourselves at what we do. Again, thank you for all the support you’ve provided to everyone in our agency. Your direction has definitely touched each and every one of our managers and has trickled down to our Direct Service Providers and the clients we support. We’ve appreciated the connections you’ve helped us make and the insights that have surfaced as a result. We appreciate you immensely. Thank you for everything Jennifer!”
“Thank you for all you do! You are amazing!! You are making all of us at Reside amazing!”
Jen Nakanishi, MA
Co-Administrator/Staff Development Coordinator, Reside Residential Care
“You have helped me a tremendous amount with my relationship with (Co-worker). Because you have helped me by giving me tools to better see where he’s coming from, I now know that we have a lot more in common personality wise than I had believed. I am now able to approach him and ask for his advice. You have also helped me in my personal life with my son! I was able to take the tools you taught us and see what needs of his were not getting met and how we could fulfill them. We have now seen a drastic improvement in his attitude and behavior!”
Elizabeth Wray
House Manager, Reside Residential Care
“Your workshops are wonderful and they tremendously help me in my work life and personal life. THANK YOU!! Jennifer, you are wonderful. Thank you again for all the attention and intent you give and have for our group. You have helped me emotionally and mentally understand myself!”
Manager, Reside Residential Care
(Anonymous Evaluation)
“Thank you for representing us, our feelings, and advocating for our personal happiness and reward, and to eliminate our unnecessary stress!”
Manager, Reside Residential Care
(Anonymous Evaluation)
“I enjoy all of your workshops! I appreciate your hard work in working with us and hearing everyone’s thoughts and feelings. I feel your workshops help me to be stronger, not just at work, but in my personal life as well. For example, you teaching us about setting healthy boundaries has helped me tremendously, as it applies to all aspects of our lives, which in the long run helps us to find better balance.”
Manager, Reside Residential Care
(Anonymous Evaluation)