My Story

Relationships are my WORLD.  

They have always been a driving force and focus in my life. I need my key relationships to be on ‘good terms’ to feel joy and fulfillment in my daily life. It’s a top need within my own ‘human needs blueprint’.

I was given up by my teenage birth parents at two weeks old and spent the first three years of my life with a foster mom living with other foster kids. I was adopted at the age of three by my parents and older brother. I’m grateful for the positive narrative that, for the most part, I’ve carried all my life which is that I was “chosen” versus “given up”. 

I moved around frequently throughout my life. I spent my childhood in Atlanta, San Antonio, Madison Georgia, and Orange County, California. Making big moves during vulnerable times in my early life drove me to get my act together in the relationship-building department. I had to quickly overcome my shyness and beef up my confidence to adjust to big, frequent changes and make new friends. Being the “new girl” frequently throughout my schooling instilled in me that the best way to experience meaningful connection with others…is by doing it and being it for others… rather than waiting to receive it first from others.

Since 2014, I’ve been professionally coaching individuals and couples to help them have a better relationship with themselves first and foremost, and a better connection and relationship experience with their spouse, a key family member, or a key person in their professional world. I help clients with the full spectrum of relationship challenges…from those that already have a good relationship but want a more intimate, more emotionally fulfilling one, to those hanging by a thread and deep in “disaster mode.”

The same insights I help my clients discover about themselves and their love partners are the same that have helped, and continue to help, me in my own marriage.

My husband and I married in March of 2008 and had our first son in February of 2009, and our second son in June of 2010. Although I cannot claim a perfect marriage with my own love partner, the invaluable lessons I have learned have shaped who I am today, and has given me the ability to professionally help others in a way that feels deeply authentic to my clients.

When I was pregnant with our first son back in 2008 shortly after we got married, my hardworking and success-driven husband lost an 11-year job through no fault of his own, spawned by the global financial crisis. This job loss absolutely crushed him. It was a blow to his entire identity. I regretfully had no idea what he was truly going through. Back then, I didn’t understand his needs, his values, his internal world. Nor did I understand my own. I was living unconsciously as a partner and so I blamed him for his bad moods, and criticized him for the way he was showing up for me, or not showing up for me. Instead of showing up with love and deeper understanding when he needed it the most, I didn’t have the insights, the knowledge, the clarity around who I am, what I need, and then the same about him to be able to respond in a way that best served our relationship. 

Looking back now, I know I wasted precious time and energy and caused my partner unnecessary emotional pain, and lost significant time and opportunity to more deeply connect with him and support him better during his time of personal crisis.

While training to be a relationship and marriage coach, I learned insights and tools for the clients I serve, and also had the lifechanging benefit of being able to apply some key things I was learning to my own relationship at home. A concept I found exceptionally transformative because of its positive impact on my own marriage was and is the “Six Universal Human Needs”. This tool gave me useful insights that strengthened my relationship with me first and foremost… then helped me climb out of the rut with my husband, so I could harness the power within me (just like you have within you) to shape my reality and improve my life experience, no matter what the external circumstances.

I’m honored to serve many clients who come to me after years and years of therapy, wanting to try the coaching approach so they can achieve the long-lasting results they want, need and crave with their partner. 

If you’d like to clarify how relationship and marriage coaching can help you, or both you and your partner… I invite you to book your no-obligation 20-minute relationship coaching consult with me here:

What struggles are you facing in your relationships right now?