So what’s a “RELATIONSHIP COACH” anyway?

As Your Relationship Coach, I’m Your Guide and Accountability Partner for Better Relationships

As a professionally trained and certified Relationship Coach, I help men, women, couples, and professional teams create meaningful connection, and a deeper understanding, appreciation, and respect for one another, so they can experience more joy, master conflict resolution, create more win-win solutions, and have more fun.

What’s the DIFFERENCE between a ‘COACH’ and a ‘COUNSELOR’ or ‘THERAPIST’? 

Hundreds of men and women have come to me wanting and needing a new approach to reach their personal and relationship goals after countless attempts at counseling and/or therapy only to find themselves still stuck.  

The most common reasons I hear from my clients as to why attempts at therapy or counseling didn’t work for them are….

      • No, or not enough, accountability between sessions; 
      • No/ not enough clear and specific actions or “homework” prescribed to help them create the big shifts and long-term changes they most want;
      • Their spouse didn’t like the counselor and/or felt “ganged up on”;
      • Talking about their challenges only made things worse.
      • In sports, an athlete hires a Coach to help them improve their game skills, their mindset, their focus and their level of commitment. Coaches call out an athlete’s blind spots, challenges their limiting thoughts and beliefs and pushes them to be the best version of themselves.


    • Coaches support you as your GUIDE, focusing more on your future, rather than getting lost and stuck in your past.

      So why do so many still feel resistant to getting the same kind of support for your most important relationships?

      I’m your Guide and Accountability Partner and I will lovingly challenge you to take massive action and help you achieve much more than you would on your own.


1. Hardworking, super busy, highly driven professionals

You have a lot of success at work, but struggle with how to be as successful with your spouse at home. You crave a stronger, more supportive “partnership” with your spouse but can’t seem to successfully navigate the bigger conversations about money, career and finances, parenting, or sex and intimacy without a communication breakdown.
You want a stronger connection experience with the partner you already have but struggle with finding the time, energy, and oftentimes the desire to “work” on yourmarriage. At the same time, you want to feel more appreciated, respected, and understood by your partner, knowing that your partner always has their back.

2. Empty-Nesters

I work with empty-nesters whose lives have been so focused on the kids, work, navigating the demands of parenting, until the last one flew the nest. Now you’re looking at each other wondering who you really are now together as husband and wife now that your roles as “mom” and “dad” are secondary after so many years. How do you navigate the significant shifts in your relationship that come with being alone together?

3. To Regain Trust & Clarify Whether to Stay or Leave

Infidelity, or some other form of marital betrayal, has rocked your marriage and you don’t know how to face the future together. One of you is not sure how you can carry on with the reality of what has happened. One of you is wondering “How can I ever trust them again? How can we possibly heal from this?”

Vital Professional Team Member Relationships

In my world as a Relationship Coach, personal and professional relationships merge. There’s not a hard dividing line between our personal and professional lives when it comes to our relationship with our Self and our relationship with others.

Just as our personal relationships directly impact the quality of our lives, the quality and health of the relationships within a professional team are vital to a business’s productivity, bottom line, morale, and a company’s overall cultural feel. A compromised or negative relationship between two vital team members, or between a vital team member and the rest of the team is compromised, or unable to develop past a certain point, then it’s worth getting professional help to break through barriers preventing them from having a productive and thriving business relationship.

Oftentimes, an employee’s job security comes down to a relationship challenge. This oftentimes means a relationship challenge with their own Self. Business owners and bosses hire me to help transform a relationship problem that can no longer be tolerated due to its impact on vital business components like productivity and production, company morale, and overall mood in the office; business and the rest of the team. Oftentimes, a compromised relationship can have an immeasurable negative impact on the business’s bottom line. When things like productivity and production, company morale, and overall spirit and mood in the office or place of business are compromised, then this is a challenge that needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

Other examples of my most common client scenarios:

      • Couples that Own Businesses Together
      • Siblings or Family Members that Own Businesses Together
      • Business Partnerships between Close Friends

Also, Employers Hire Me for Employee Wellness

Have you, or someone you know, shown up at work while working through homelife challenges, marital conflicts and even impending divorce? 

When valued members of our team, including key employees, are compromised in their personal relationships or their marriage at home, their focus, productivity, mood, and motivation are humanly altered. This can have a devastating impact on not just the employee’s job security and well-being, but on the business’s as well.

When employers can support their valued employees in their personal lives, their businesses thrive on many levels. Employee’s loyalty, productivity, and company morale improve. Their engagement level and ability to collaborate toward business goals increase. Relationships and bonds between team members strengthen and deepen because people are being supported on a personal level, not just professionally.  The quality of our relationships at home dictates our quality of work. Employers that see there is no real dividing line between a team member’s personal and professional world, benefit from being able to nurture the needs of their staff, which in turn meet the needs of the business at a higher level.


Scope of the Work

I work with my clients for either 3 months or 6 months, depending on the depth of the relationship challenge or challenges, and the specific personal or relationship goals that are set to be met through the coaching process.

The reason for this is it takes time and commitment to first gain the knowledge and insights about one’s Self and others involved, to then be able to break outdated and limiting patterns and habits, and ultimately make deep transformations.

Many individuals and couples find that this finite amount of time allows them to truly go ALL IN because there’s certainty around the process and the timeline.

Coach Jen - The Relationship Coach for Men

How We Work Together

We meet once a week for an hour over Zoom Video where together we dive deep in a safe, confidential, and nonjudgmental container. You will leave your sessions feeling clearer, empowered, and motivated to take action. We meet at the same time each week whenever schedules permit.

As your personal coach, I will prescribe customized “homework”, including assessments, exercises, readings, and proven tools and strategies to be done between our sessions. I will lovingly hold you accountable throughout and be your Guide.

Am I Right for You?

Do work with me if…

      • You’re ready and have the desire to make a massive breakthrough in a relationship challenge for the long term.
      • You’re able to be fully honest with your Self and me throughout our entire journey.
      • You’re able to take responsibility for your part.

Don’t work with me if…

      • You won’t be able to create the time to complete practices and homework between our weekly sessions.
      • If you’re experiencing severe depression, anxiety, or thoughts of hurting yourself or others.
      • You feel others hold full responsibility for your relationship challenges.



“My marriage was over… but you pulled me back from the edge. I highly recommend you…you were the right person.
It was worth everything 10 times over!”

Scott P.
Portland, OR
“Jennifer Blankl is phenomenal! I had the opportunity to work with her and learned a tremendous amount about what I need in a relationship as well as what my partner needs and I couldn’t recommend her enough. I’ve talked with various professional relationship coaches and counselors over the years on multiple levels and Jennifer is, without question, one of the best I’ve encountered and she is awesome and fun to work with!”
Keith S.
Portland, OR

“A rogue wave that never flattens. Time standing still. Buckling to a fetal position in a hallway. I’ve been there. We all have. I came to Jennifer to see me through the gray canopy when a very meaningful long term relationship suddenly ended. Jennifer gifted me so much more than I ever expected. Her acceptance, guidance and tailored nudging has helped me evolve into an emotionally intelligent, communicative, vulnerable and more solid self. By far, the number one comment I get these days is how grounded I am. I will carry with me what I have learned from Jennifer for a lifetime.”

Portland, OR
She is dedicated to your development and improvement as a individual/parter/team. My wife and I had the pleasure of hiring Jennifer early last year as we approached our wedding day. I highly encourage you to speak with Jennifer if you desire to become the best husband/wife/team you can image. Jennifer has a unique approach that is tailored to your communication style, goals and experience in life.” 
Addison N.
Portland, OR